Felt Suit Mug Cosy
Make a smart suit mug cosy to keep your drinks warm in the winter! This is a lovely wedding craft idea you could even make a matching wedding dress mug warmer!
To make this DIY mug cosy you will need:
Buttons x 3
Step 1:
Download the free template by clicking the button above. Print the template and cut each section out. Place the sections onto the felt (the felt colour should match the name in the template) and cut out each piece where the cut lines are. The size of these shapes may have to vary slightly depending on the size of your mug.
On the black and white pieces of felt, fold where the dashed lines are and iron the fold to keep it in place - this will form the shirt and jacket collars.
Step 2:
Take the white piece of felt and either stitch or glue the red tie shape onto it (underneath the collar). Stitch the white buttons onto the centre of the grey felt shape, then sew the grey and white pieces together (grey on top).
Step 3:
Using the black thread, sew the two black pieces of felt either side of the grey, about 1cm away from the buttons. Cut a button hole in the black felt on the right hand side, and sew a button onto the left hand side.
Now it should wrap around your mug, making it look very smart and cosy!
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